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Not only did Tammy turn the clock back on aging and appearance by at least 20 years, she also lost 70+ pounds, reversed decades of rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and gastroesophageal reflux. "I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 24 yrs ago and ran the gamut of methotrexate to Remicade infusions, steroids—you name it. I no longer have to take anything and my inflammatory markers are lower than they ever were. “My A1c was 8.4 and is now 4.9. I no longer have GERD. My BP has stabilized and the only real medicine I am currently on is Naturethroid. “Oh, and my starting weight was 205 and I now weigh 134, an unexpected perk!” Experiences like Tammy’s are why I have to tell newcomers: This is not just a diet like paleo, or being ketogenic, or low-carb. One of the principal reasons why this approach is so powerful and alters appearance so much is because we reverse inflammation, a big part of the reason why Tammy now looks like the daughter of her “before” photo! Yes, she changed her hair color, but look at the contours of her face, around the eyes, and how her eyes are bigger. And, by reversing type 2 diabetes, she has added back something like 8 years to her lifespan.
Kathleen “Just came back from my annual physical, where I managed to shock the bejeezus out of my doctor, which is not an easy thing to do. "She looked at my vitals and last year's report, looked at me and said in complete surprise ‘What HAVE you been doing?! What happened to last year's issues?’ Meaning dangerously low blood pressure, heart palpitations, GERD [gastroesophageal reflux disease], Barrett's esophagitis (a nasty little swallowing disorder), leg edema, unstoppable weight gain/BMI in the obese range, chronic fatigue and brain fog, and zero libido to be the frosting on that little cake of unpleasantness. "All of those issues have been completely resolved, BMI normal and healthy and my blood pressure has actually increased to normal. I've always had very low blood pressure which caused fainting spells, edema, and heart palpitations. I've actually passed out right in front of her during exams in the past. Haven't had any of those issues since starting this way of eating 11 months ago. "The 'before' was taken during a time when I was doing CrossFit 3 times a week, spin classes 3 times a week AND riding my bicycle hundreds of miles a week (yes, every week) to train for 100-mile charity bike rides. All the while eating low-fat and 'healthy' whole grains and barely losing any weight. Would you just look at that butt! My doctor told a frustrated me that I just needed to exercise more and it would come off. I asked her what more could I do, wrestle a bear?! "The 'after' is me 80 pounds lighter after 18 months grain-free, cardiac issues gone. And recovering from a broken ankle and being confined to a walking boot for almost two months. The muscles that I’ve worked so hard to build for years are finally showing. I’m 53 and a half and am here to show that it’s never too late to get your health back and you’re never too old to start living! Soldier on, Wheat Belliers and let your inner jock come out to play!"