Undoctored Health Program Pro Course

The Undoctored Health Program Pro course is a premium, professional-grade, online course designed to walk you step-by-step through the entire Undoctored Program which offers the potential to increase longevity and youthful appearance in addition to it's well-known ability to control weight and improve overall health. Each lesson focuses on a critical element of the Program providing video, text, graphics, additional documents, and even a short quiz. A handy navigation bar allows you to jump to any lesson and indicates which lessons you have already completed. A progress bar at the top of the page tracks your overall progress.

You can discuss your Program questions and progress directly with Dr. Davis during his regularly scheduled Live-video Meetups and with Dr. Davis along with other highly-experienced and helpful Inner Circle Members on the Inner Circle Forum.

This is the same course offered for over $750 per employee as part of our corporate health program and is now available exclusively to Undoctored Inner Circle Members. Start now by clicking the "Go to Program" button at the top of the page. Not a Member yet? Click here to sign-up!

Course Lessons

Below is a list (not clickable) of the 14 Undoctored Health Program Pro course lessons beginning with a Welcome by Dr. Davis to a closing discussion about your Undoctored Future and everything in between. Click the "Go to Program" button at the top of the page to get started now!

Lesson 1: Welcome and Overview of the Course

Lesson 2: Inroduction and Benefits of the Undoctored Program

Lesson 3: Inflammation Control

Leeson 4: Removing Grains

Lesson 5: How to Eat, Practical Nutrition

Lesson 6: Advanced Dietary Issues

Lesson 7: Detoxification Strategies

Lesson 8: Supplements that Work

Lesson 9: The Secrets of Vitamn D

Lesson 10: Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Lesson 11: Solving Hypothyroidism

Lesson 12: Magnesium, the Forgotten Supplement

Lesson 13: Making Your Microbiome Work for You

Lesson 14: Taking the Next Steps