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Sourced from: Undoctored Blog, authored by Dr. Davis, original posting date there: 2019-09-01 PCM forum Index of Undoctored Blog articles. Although the original blog content is freely available, mirroring it here makes it visible to site & forum search and open for comments.
No, they do not. Statin drugs have zero impact on the 25% per year increase in CT heart scan scores.
A CT heart scan that yields a coronary calcium score is the best test available to determine cardiovascular risk—far better than useless total cholesterol values, better than the wildly inaccurate and semi-fictitious LDL cholesterol, detects coronary atherosclerosis years before it becomes detectable by a stress test, and reveals coronary atherosclerotic plaque before symptoms—such as heart attack—appear. In other words, it empowers you in your efforts to prevent heart attack and avoid need for procedures such as stents or bypass surgery.
Let’s say you get your coronary calcium score because, as a male at age 49, you are concerned that you might follow in your father’s footsteps who had a heart attack at age 53. You feel fine, exercise regularly, and take no prescription drugs.
Your heart scan score: 500. You are told that this puts you at increased risk for heart attack of about 5% per year. Your doctor tells you that you are a “walking time bomb” and that you must take a cholesterol-reducing drug, aspirin, a beta blocker drug, and cut the total and saturated fat in your diet, what my colleagues call “optimal medical therapy.” He also refers you to a cardiologist who advises you that you need a nuclear stress test (e.g., stress Myoview, Cardiolite, thallium) or CT coronary angiogram (a non-invasive angiogram performed on the same device that performed the heart scan). You opt for the nuclear stress test and pass. The cardiologist then suggests that you should consider the “real” test, i.e., a heart catheterization in which catheters are inserted in the arteries and an angiogram is performed to assess whether you need stents or bypass surgery.
What if you did nothing, but repeated the heart scan one year later? The score will be 25% higher: 625. A year after that: 781. As the score increases, so does your risk, such that a score of 1000 or greater carries around a 10-15% per year risk of death or heart attack. Obviously, something must be done. If nothing is done, CT heart scan scores increase at the average rate of 25% per year until catastrophe strikes.
What if you follow the advice of your primary care doctor and take Lipitor 40 mg per day, aspirin, metoprolol, and reduce fat? How rapidly will your heart scan increase? 25% per year—“optimal medical therapy” has no impact on the rate of progression of coronary calcium scores. This has been demonstrated repeatedly in clinical studies. Unfortunately, intensive marketing efforts of statin drug manufacturers trumps clinical studies and doctors commonly force statin drugs on their patients with positive heart scan scores. “Optimal medical therapy” can reduce the abrupt rupture of atherosclerotic plaque that causes heart attack by a minor degree over several years, but it has no impact on progression of disease as tracked by CT heart scans.
But there’s more wrong with this common medical scenario. Among the problems:
So what should you do if you find yourself in this situation? This is what the Undoctored program is all about. Before I called it “Undoctored,” we called it “Track Your Plaque” because the program was built on tracking CT heart scan scores over time. And the program succeeds in the majority in stopping the progression or even reversing the score. But you will not find statin cholesterol drugs, aspirin, or advice to reduce dietary fat. You will find strategies such as wheat/grain elimination that prevents the formation of small LDL particles and reduces the flood of postprandial lipoproteins, vitamin D that reduces inflammation, iodine and thyroid optimization that removes the contribution of thyroid dysfunction to cardiovascular risk, magnesium replenishment for its effects on blood pressure and insulin, and efforts to cultivate a healthy microbiome. You can find more extended discussions on the how’s and why’s of this program in the Undoctored book and in our Infinite Health Inner Circle website.