Welcome Guest, Give the Gift of Health to Your Loved Ones
Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2019-04-06 on the Wheat Belly Blog, sourced from and currently found at: Infinite Health Blog. | PCM forum Index of WB Blog articles. | Although the video is freely available on YouTube, mirroring it here makes it available to site searches, and provides a means for IC members to discuss it.
⚠Your browser does not support HTML iframes. Click ▶️ above to play 7 minute video. 【CC】available.
Iodine is an essential nutrient, but one that many have forgotten about despite the fact that iodine deficiency was a major public health crisis all throughout human history until 1924.
Iodized salt was the solution to iodine deficiency. But, since the FDA advised everyone to cut back salt intake, iodine deficiency and even goiters (enlarged thyroid glands due to lack of iodine) are making a comeback along with weight gain, fatigue, thinning hair, high blood pressure and other health problems, yet the solution is so simple.