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Sourced from: ⎆Dr. Davis Infinite Health Blog, authored by Dr. Davis, original posting date there: 2023-09-17 PCM forum ⎆Index of Infinite Health Blog articles.
People continue to enjoy terrific Wheat Belly transformations in health and appearance that they share on the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook page. (To join the private page, a membership in my DrDavisInfiniteHealth.com blog is required.) These inspiring experiences are all achieved by ignoring dietary guidelines, not reducing fat, not reducing calories, and banishing all grains from the diet.
Here are some inspiring examples:
“Went from 216 to 155, losing 60+ pounds. No more High blood pressure, statins, being pre diabetic, no more lethargy, better sleeping, mentally alert—life-changing.
Maintained now over 2 yrs.”
“The list is very long, lol. Where do I start? Firstly, blood pressure very nearly normal, blood glucose normal, bowel movements normal (was a problem since childhood ), allergies almost gone, skin conditions very nearly gone, water retention in lower legs gone. Can exercise for longer, resting heart rate and VO2 apparently excellent for a male of my age. My knowledge learned here is helping many more as a health and wellbeing champion looking after 120 bus drivers. There are a few that take my advice and have done very well indeed.
I’m able to concentrate better on tasks, work, etc., almost like I’ve got more brain power. And of course the best bit is the loss of weight!”