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WBB: Assisted Fasting With MCT Oil

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Posted: 9/1/2017 7:43:00 AM

Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2017-09-01
on the Wheat Belly Blog, sourced from and currently found at: Infinite Health Blog.
PCM forum Index of WB Blog articles.

Although the video is freely available on YouTube, mirroring it here makes it available to site searches, and provides a means for IC members to discuss it.

Assisted Fasting With MCT Oil

Click to play 4½ minute YouTube video

Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, are a form of oil found in food that can be taken in concentrated form to facilitate weight loss and accelerate reversal of health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and fatty liver. You can also use MCTs to make intermittent fasting easier, as they effectively suppress appetite because they modestly raise the level of blood ketones such as beta-hydroxybutyrate.

My favorite way to take MCTs is as a coffee creamer using MCT oil powder.

A more detailed discussion about how to use ketosis, MCTs, and exogenous ketones can be found in the Undoctored Inner Circle website, the website that builds further on the Undoctored concepts and strategies.

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I’d like to talk about something I call “assisted fasting using MCT oil” — using medium chain triglyceride oils. Now this is part of a more expanded conversation that I pursue in the Undoctored Inner Circle; that is the website where we go into much greater detail on some of these health strategies, based on the ideas begun in my new Undoctored book (Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor).

This is an instance where you become vastly smarter than your doctor. But this session is confined to the use of MCT oil products to suppress appetite. Why do that? Well, it can accelerate weight loss. It accelerate becoming a non Type-2 diabetic. It can accelerate reversing fatty liver. It can accelerate reduction in waist size and visceral fat.

So, MCT oils alone, without fasting, achieve a lot of those effects. If you just take MCT oils alone, 20 or 30 grams per day, you enjoy a little bit more weight loss — not a lot — a little bit; maybe a pound or two in the course of a month, without doing anything else different. It can reduce your waist size by up to an inch, over a month. If you combine MCT oil supplementation with strength training you get more of an increase in muscle, and decrease in visceral fat, so it’s a really cool thing to use.

How does it work? Well, if I cut the carbs in my diet, severely, and increase the fat I go into physiological ketosis. The blood ketone levels go up, and that accelerates a lot of these effects and also suppresses appetite — the blood ketones, like beta hydroxybutyrate. But many people struggle trying to get ketotic, because all it takes is a glass of wine and it bounces you out of ketosis, a few extra bites of a steak and you’re out of ketosis, or making a very healthy muffin made with almond flour but a little bit higher in carbohydrates (say 12-13 grams net carbs) that’s enough to bounce you out of ketosis, for many people. And so, some people struggle to stay in ketosis.

Now I should say that you don’t have to ketotic to succeed in the Wheat Belly or Undoctored lifestyles. This is an added strategy for added success, accelerated benefits. Because of difficulty maintaining physiological ketosis for some people, one of the work-arounds you can use is to take MCT oils (medium chain triglyceride oils), because these are converted to ketones, by the liver. They don’t go to really high levels of ketones, but just a modest increase, but sufficient to accelerate those benefits, and to also suppress appetite. So you can use it to assist your fasting efforts.

Two ways to take your MCT oils:
• as an oil, or
• as an MCT oil powder.
There are two different forms you can get. Dosing is the same 20 or 30 grams per dose.

I like to use the MCT oil powder as a coffee creamer. It’s an excellent coffee creamer. You’ll have to add some kind of a natural benign sweetener, like some stevia drops or Virtue sweetener, or another kind of sweetener. But it makes an excellent coffee creamer. You can also emulsify with a stick blender, using the MCT oil in your coffee also. Or you can add either type; MCT oil or MCT oil powder to your cooking, baking, etc. They’re edible. They’re just plain foods.

Now if you take 20 to 30 grams of MCTs, let’s say as the coffee creamer form of MCT oil powder, it suppresses appetite about four hours. You will be miraculously free from any interest in food. It’s a very very interesting effect. And you’ll coast, maybe if you do this at 7 AM say, by noon maybe you’re starting to get hungry, and then you can do it again if you want to, if you want to extend your little fast. You can use this, a very nice tool.

It’s delicious as a coffee creamer, or tasteless when emulsified as the oil into your coffee, or into food. There’s no bad or off-taste, and it has this wonderful appetite suppressing effect. So you can use this as a way to soften the blow of fasting. If you’re a little bit frightened of the fasting effect, this will help turn off your appetite quite effectively, and accelerate some of your benefits.

Now if you like these kinds of ideas, these expanded ideas, you’ll find more in the Undoctored book and then even deeper in the Undoctored Inner Circle web site.

D.D. Infinite Health icon

Tags: chain,coconut,fasting,MCT,medium,oil,PCM,trigylcerides,WBB