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Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2015-04-29 on the Wheat Belly Blog, sourced from and currently found at: Infinite Health Blog. PCM forum Index of WB Blog articles.
Jamilyn shared her several month experience and facial photos following the Wheat Belly lifestyle:
“Top left was taken January 20th, 2015. Lower left February 20th, 2015. And the right side was just taken April 26th.
“I started Wheat Belly February 9th, 2015. I have lost 20 pounds in just over 2 months and 10 on my own in the 9 months prior to WB. 30 pounds difference from the first picture to the 3rd picture.
“I have eliminated all of the many medications I was taking for migraines, IBS, gastroparesis, chronic sinusitis, and joint pain. Thank you so much! Words could never express the joy and freedom you have given me. I have a long way to go but I can’t thank you enough for the progress I have made in the past 3 months!”
Jamilyn looks different and feels different because she eliminated something that should never have been included in the diet of humans in the first place, “foods” adopted in desperation when real food was in short supply, but now celebrated as the cornerstone of diet in most circles.
Eating grains–the seeds of grasses–exposes us to multiple indigestible or only partially digestible proteins with unique amino acid sequences poorly recognized by the human digestive process. This explains why, for example, the gliadin protein of wheat (secalin in rye, hordein in barley, zein in corn, perhaps the avenin in oats), if it remains intact, initiates the intestinal permeability process that triggers autoimmune diseases. It explains why wheat germ agglutinin (in wheat, rye, barley, and rice) remains completely untouched in its passage from mouth to toilet and acts as a potent bowel toxin even in milligram quantities (average daily intake 10-20 mg in most Americans).
But this is why people can lose 10, 20, 30 or more pounds, but look and feel different more than the weight loss would explain. Jamilyn did not experience relief from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) because she lost weight. She did not experience relief from gastroparesis (in which the stomach fails to propel food onwards to the duodenum, accounting for discomfort after eating followed by putrefaction of the stagnant food) by losing a few inches off her waist. She did not find relief from joint pain and sinusitis because she now wears a smaller dress size. While many people view the Wheat Belly lifestyle as nothing more than weight loss program or low-carb diet, it is SO much more than that, as Jamilyn’s wonderful experience reminds us.