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Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2020-07-26 on the Wheat Belly Blog (⇩cite). | PCM forum 🛈Index of WB Blog articles. | Although the video is freely available on YouTube, mirroring it here makes it available to site searches, and provides a means for IC members to discuss it. PCM,WBB,immunity,improved,Inflammation,viruses,undoctored,viral,vitamin D3,wheat,belly,25OH-D3,cholecalciferol
⚠Your browser does not support HTML iframes. Click ▶️ above to play 9¼ minute video. 【CC】available.
Restoring vitamin D to a healthy level yields huge advantages in health. But there are some issues regarding timing that can make or break your success.
This is especially crucial during this viral pandemic, as vitamin D plays an important role in determining your immunity to respiratory viral infections.
The original WBB post was found on the: ⎆Infinite Health Blog when this mirror was last revised, but accessing it there requires an unnecessary separate blog membership. The copy of it above is complete, and has been re-curated and enhanced for the Inner Circle membership.