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Yasmin S. Hamirani, a, , Jigar Kadakiaa, Sandeep R. Pagalia, Irfan Zeba, Hussain Isma'eela, Naser Ahmadia, Guilda Sarrafa, TaeYoung Choia, Amish Patela, Matthew J. Budoffa
Received 24 February 2011; Accepted 25 February 2011. Available online 17 March 2011.
Keywords: Cardiac computed tomography; Coronary plaque; Quantification; Progression; Lipid lowering treatment
Fig. 1.
Analyzing plaque in each segment using Sure Plaque program in vitals workstation (Vitrea) A) Selection of a vessel. B) Manual selection of segment with plaque with the automated program. C) Luminal and cross sectional views of selected segment with plaque. D) Demonstration of total, mixed, noncalcified and calcified plaque by the automated program based on preset HU [right hand corner of picture with red (noncalcified), blue (mixed) and yellow (calcified) colors]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2.
Change in total, noncalcified, mixed and calcified plaque on the repeat CT scan (y axis: annualized percentage change in plaque types). Tp: total plaque, sp: non-calcified plaque, mp: mixed plaque, cp: calcified plaque.
Fig. 3.
Bland Altman correlation between two observers for calcified plaque (A), mixed plaque (B) and noncalcified plaque (C) volumes (mm3). Average of non-calcified plaque observer 1 and 2.
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