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Assuming your Member account is renewed and up to date, there are two primary reasons log-in may fail.
1. Make certain you are using the proper username. In some cases your Nickname or email address may have been inadvertently substituted in place of your username (although they can be the same if you created your account using your email address or Nickname as your username).
2. Try carefully re-entering your password. In some cases, a password may be inadvertently misspelled but on certain systems you are not given the opportunity to view your password to verify it even after clicking the "Show Password" checkbox. If the incorrect password is saved your system may automatically re-enter it each time you log in.
If you are still experiencing log-in issues contact us at "contact.innercircle@drdavisinfinitehealth.com to schedule an online diagnostic session to determine if there is some special problem. Please let us know what dates and times might work for you.
You can activate or deactivate your Full Access account at any time. Just follow the steps below.
1. Log into your account at InnerCircle.DrDavisInfiniteHealth.com.
2. Click the “My Account” link in the main navigation bar at the top of any page.
3. Click the “Billing Info” link in drop-down list.
4a. Update any your information such as a new credit card number.
4b. Click the “Cancel My Account” check button to deactivate your account (or uncheck it to reactivate your account). A blue-green circle indicates your account is deactivated. A gray circle indicates it is active.
5. Click the “Update Billing Information” button.
The message “Your Membership changes have been updated” will appear beneath the button (if this message does not appear the changes have not been saved).