Advanced Health Topics

The Undoctored Advanced Topics are not part of the Undoctored Core Program or Protocols. They are advanced discussions on late-breaking health discoveries and theories regarding health practices that may or may not be of benefit to Members. Members are cautioned that Advanced Topics are for informational purposes only and, by definition, are not yet fully tested and accepted. Products and methods discussed in Advanced Topics should not be incorporated into any Undoctored program or lifestyle without first consulting your physician.

Physiologic Ketosis, MCTs, and Exogenous Ketones

Those of you who have achieved a ketotic state—i.e., endogenous or physiologic ketosis generated via fasting or curtailing dietary carbs and increasing fats—are familiar with how higher blood levels of ketones feel... Read More

Dementia and eating disorders

Preventing Cognitive Decline & Dementia: Nutrition Factors

Conventional dietary advice to preserve cognitive health is the same as that for cutting cardiovascular risk: cut your fat and saturated fat, eat less meat, and include plenty of whole grains. Obviously, this is completely contrary to... Read More

Salt restrictions

The Dangers of Salt Restriction

For decades, we have been advised to cut back on salt and sodium intake because of its effects on increasing blood pressure and potential consequences such as kidney and heart disease. More recent investigations, however, suggest that sodium was not the main culprit ... Read More


A Guide to Gallstones

Gallstones are an odd phenomenon. Despite being exceptionally common, affecting between 10-15% of the U.S. population, pinpointing the causes of gallstones has been elusive. Older age, being female and overweight/obese... Read More



Preventing Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches, as any sufferer will tell you, can be debilitating, painful, and inconvenient, affecting 17% of females, 6% of males. While over a dozen genetic markers have been identified that predispose to migraine... Read More


Preventing Cognitive Decline - The Role of Exercise

Unlike the skimpy data that support the use of most nutritional supplements for prevention/reversal of cognitive decline and dementia, with exercise we have far better data. The studies also include both observational.. Read More

Fungal overgrowth

Fungal Overgrowth

The exceptionally common and epidemic condition, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, has a closely-related cousin: small intestinal fungal overgrowth, SIFO, i.e., unrestrained small intestinal proliferation of Candida fungal.. Read More


Regularly Consuming Prebiotic Fibers

The variety of fibers consumable by microorganisms are called prebiotic fibers. The prebiotic variety of fibers make their way down to the colon where bacteria that have the enzymes necessary to digest these fibers metabolize them.... Read More


Preventing Cognitive Decline & Dementia: Lifestyle Factors

Just by engaging in the basic components of the Undoctored Wild, Naked, Unwashed program, you have already gotten off to a terrific start in preventing, or even reversing, cognitive decline, perhaps also dementia (early stages)... Read More

Heart Rate

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Control over heart rate is a basic requirement of navigating life successfully. While sleeping, the heart beats at its minimum rate. Wakefulness, activity, and emotion dictate an increase in heart rate, most extreme... Read More

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The hormone, oxytocin, is proving to be a hormone with far-reaching effects for health, involved in several important aspects of aging, health, and weight control. Most exciting are recent data suggesting that specific changes... Read More


A Primer on Stomach Acid and H. pylori

The production of stomach acid is a basic requirement for human digestion, as well as protection from foreign microorganisms that gain entry into foods that humans ingest. The acidic environment of the human stomach is so powerful that... Read More

Aortic Stenosis

Avoiding Aortic Valve Stenosis

These comments are based on Dr. Davis's 25 years of cardiology practice but remain formally unpublished, so don’t expect John Q. Cardiologist to confirm these observations. These pattern were seen over and over again and are worth knowing about... Read More

Metabolic Endotoxemia

Metabolic Endotoxemia

Metabolic endotoxemia refers to a situation in which bowel flora species die and release lipopolysaccharide, or LPS. LPS is known to be toxic and, because it becomes blood-borne, it causes “endotoxemia.”... Read More


SIBO/SIFO and Anti-Aging

A number of compelling observations are pointing towards SIBO and SIFO as being common, perhaps inevitable, consequences of life that contribute to the outward and internal physiologic processes that define aging... Read More

Homocysteine: A Marker for Dysbiosis

Homocysteine remains a perplexing issue. High homocysteine levels in children were associated with impaired growth, seizures, anemia and heart disease. Less severe elevations could underlie numerous other health conditions... Read More


H. pylori, Hypochlorhydria, Auto-Immune Gastritis

H. pylori and its consequences is a health issue you can tackle on your own without a doctor. Then consider hypochlorhydria, the lack of stomach acid that can result from H. pylori infection or from autoimmune gastritis... Read More