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Passing a kidney stone is often described as one of the few pains worse than childbirth. Over 7 years, 50% of all people who have had a kidney stone will experience a recurrence, greater risk over a longer period... Read More
Statin drugs provide a small benefit to some people, but at substantial health (and financial) cost. Find all about LDL Particles, a superior method to quantify LDL. Read More
There are additional strategies that can add to your success in minimizing or fully reversing type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. If you have type 1 diabetes or the latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood (LADA) form of diabetes, the following strategies... Read More
An occasional person can continue to struggle with constipation even after all the bowel health-restoring strategies followed. There are a few modest efforts you can add. Read More
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is proving to be more common than previously suspected, occurring in 20% of people with no symptoms, 50-75% of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as many as 100% with fibromyalgia. Read More
Provided these efforts are undertaken before cirrhosis sets in (which is irreversible), fatty liver is magnificently reversed with Undoctored Wild, Naked, and Unwashed strategies, particularly wheat/grain elimination Read More
Can you stop or prevent atrial fibrillation (AF)? There are a number of important steps you can take to 1) prevent the development of the very common disorder of heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation, and 2) make it less likely to recur Read More
You can look better, look younger with skin that you are proud of, simply by following a handful of strategies that achieve effects including increased dermal moisture, reduced inflammation, reduction of wrinkles, prevention and reduction of age spots.." Read More
Given the complexity of causes for coronary heart disease, there are several additional strategies that should be considered for people at high-risk... Read More
Diet, vitamin D, and magnesium provide most of the bone health benefits through a variety of means. Find 3 additional strategies to consider Read More
Arthritis is not an easy issue to deal with, as it involves not just inflammation that is reversible, but deterioration of cartilage and bone that is not fully reversible... Read More
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