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Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2024-12-22 on the Dr. Davis Infinite Health Blog (⇩cite). | PCM forum 🛈Index of Infinite Health Blog articles PCM,IHB,NBRF,announcements
If you have spent any time on YouTube, you have likely come across some of the thousands of videos that Dr. Eric Berg has posted over the years with topics ranging from the natural management of acne, to weight loss, to kidney health, to detailed discussions on how and why various nutrients work. With over 15 years on the platform, Dr. Berg currently has over 12 million subscribers with downloads of several hundred million to a billion per month. In short, he has incredible reach and has had a significant impact on the health messages people are hearing.
I recently announced the creation of the Natural Biosciences Research Foundation, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) entity that will be funding research into the numerous health questions for which we need answers, but the pharmaceutical industry and other organizations funding clinical research have no interest unless there is huge profit potential. If there is not the promise of billions of dollars in payoff, Pharma is not interested—the goal is not to answer health question, but to maximize return on investment. When I tried to obtain Federal funding for some research projects, the same questions came up over and over again: “Where is your phase I clinical trial?” In other words, where is your phase I drug trial—Federal funding is also designed to support drug development, not answer health questions. As Dr. Mark Hyman so succinctly summarized modern American healthcare in his recent testimony to Congress: “In the U.S., we don’t have evidence-based healthcare; we have revenue-based healthcare.”
It means that many questions involving nutrients, the microbiome, epigenetics, and other areas will likely never be investigated unless Pharma finds a way to 1) patent protect a product, then 2) find ways to minimize competition, and then 3) develop a multi-billion dollar market for their product. Look at the perverse commercialization of fish oil as Vascepa, a version of the EPA from fish oil. Extravagant claims, marketing pitches such as “You can’t get this in a health food store,” then persuading my gullible colleagues into believing that, if something was approved by the FDA and requires a prescription, it must therefore be superior. Of course, it is not. (If you wanted the advantages of omega-3 fatty acids, for example, to preserve cognitive health, you will have to add conventional fish oil containing both EPA and DHA to ensure that you obtain the DHA required for brain health, reflecting how silly it is to dispense EPA alone as a prescription drug.)
I’m very proud to announce that Dr. Berg has agreed to join our Advisory Board for the Foundation, bringing his extraordinary capacity for education and ability to reach large numbers of people eager for better health information. Through the Foundation, we will be funding human clinical research studies that provide real answers to many unanswered questions, studies meant to empower you in your quest for magnificent health and youthfulness, even if mainstream doctors and the healthcare system have abandoned you. Dr. Berg joins our other Board members: Kiran Krishnan, PhD, microbiologist and founder of Microbiome Labs; Raul Cano, PhD, microbiologist and co-founder of BiotiQuest and the BioCollective; Kim Martin, DC, chiropractor with many years of clinical experience and expert at professional relations, and, of course, myself.
The original IHB post is currently found on the: ⎆Infinite Health Blog, but accessing it there can require an unnecessary separate blog membership. The copy of it above is complete, and has been re-curated and enhanced for the Inner Circle membership.