Rodney D
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Posted: 9/29/2019 1:13:06 PM
Edited: 9/29/2019 1:17:57 PM (1)
A subject near and dear to my heart
is AF and palpitations and when a person should act to take drastic measures, like going to a Cardiologist.
The difference between the two is confusing to me, each having to do with timing issues but I believe originating from electrical signals that affect separate areas of the heart. My understanding of this is pretty sophomoric but would like to have a better grasp of it.
I have experienced throughout my adult life random what I feel as a brief flutter or wiggle inside my chest in the heart region. These episodes can last a second and rarely are prolonged for 5 secs or so, one time in my 40’s I felt dizzy from a prolonged one, it went away just as quickly as it came. Maybe its because Im so damn skinny (5’10, 140-150 lbs) I can feel them occurring. I have never asked any Dr about it...denial, trust, fear, all the above...dont know.
After starting the WNU program the palp’s faded and also faded from my thoughts until a week ago when most of my supplements ran out and that’s when the palp’s returned.
Dug up an interesting thread on palpitations from 2008 titled:"Dealing With Heart Palpitations".
If anyone has any other suggestions or anecdotes Im open?
I have now replaced the former BioShwartz Mg bisglysinate I was taking with something else from Omnibiotics Mg glycinate, the BS Mg worked fine (no palps), hoping the OmniBio Mg works better and so far the palp’s have almost disappeared.
Here are the labels from each and the elemental mg listed is even more curious;
The BioShwartz Mg The Omnibiotics Mg
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