Green coffee bean extract in AGF Factor I

Track Your Plaque's new and proprietary formulation, AGF Factor I, is designed to to support a program to achieve low levels of endogenous glycation.

Endogenous glycation, discussed at length in a recent Track Your Plaque Special Report, makes LDL particles (especially small LDL particles) more prone to oxidation and thereby more atherogenic, i.e., more likely to contribute to atherosclerotic plaque. Endogenous glycation also exerts unhealthy effects on long-lived proteins in the body, such as the proteins in the lenses of your eyes (cataracts), the lining of arteries (hypertension), and the cartilage cells of joints (brittle cartilage and arthritis).

Endogenous glycation is reduced by slashing carbohydrates in the diet, especially the most offensive carbohydrates of all, the amylopectin A of wheat, sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup and other fructose sources. Endogenous glycation can also be blocked by using blockers of the glycation reaction, such as benfotiamine (lipid-soluble thiamine), pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (a form of vitamin B6 with greater glycation blocking effect), and chlorogenic acid from green coffee beans, all components of AGF Factor I, which also contains Portulaca oleracea (Portusana), or purslane, for reduction of glucose.

Green coffee bean extract, and thereby chlorogenic acid, is receiving increased attention, most recently due to a study demonstrating substantial weight loss with 750-1050 mg green coffee bean extract, providing approximately 325-500 mg chlorogenic acid per day. Participants lost 15.4 pounds over 8 weeks at the higher dose (500 mg chlorogenic acid per day), while participants lost 8.8 pounds over 8 weeks at the lower dose (325 mg chlorogenic acid per day).

AGF Factor I was not formulated for weight loss but, taken twice or three times per day, does indeed mimic the dose of chlorogenic acid from green coffee bean extract used in the weight loss study. If you wish to take advantage of this application of chlorogenic acid/green coffee bean extract, while also maximizing protection from endogenous glycation, our AGF Factor I is one excellent choice to do so.

Comments (16) -

  • Susan

    6/8/2012 1:11:38 PM |

    Thank you, Dr. Davis,
    Do you know what the mechanism is that would explain the weight loss? Is there caffeine in the green coffee extract? If yes, would it be sufficient to explain weight loss?

  • Dr. Davis

    6/9/2012 12:52:08 PM |

    There is no caffeine, Susan.

    The mechanism is unknown, though at least part of the effect may be due to a reduction in formation of endogenous products of glycation.

  • Gene K

    6/9/2012 10:43:45 PM |

    Dr Davis,
    To those with APOE-4 who still rely on statins (Crestor) to control their smLDL, would you advise to try the green coffee bean extract instead?

  • Susan

    6/11/2012 12:40:14 PM |

    I just bought some green coffee extract from GNC. For 200 mg chlorogenic acid, the label said there was "no more than 16 mg. caffeine," (whatever that means)! I am going to try it and will report back if I get skinny or not. Smile

  • johnny

    6/12/2012 2:26:27 PM |

    Hi Dr.Davis,
    Does the green coffee bean extract need to be taken with meals?

  • jaxrph

    6/14/2012 1:53:55 PM |

    With the B vitamins Is this safe to take post-intracoronary stent?

  • Dr. Davis

    6/15/2012 5:09:10 PM |

    I have no reason to believe that the components in this preparation pose any risk, Jax.

    I'm not convinced that the folates (NOT in this preparation) are truly a risk, either.

  • Dr. Davis

    6/15/2012 5:09:29 PM |

    No, but it might blunt any minimal nausea that arises.

  • Dr. Davis

    6/15/2012 5:10:52 PM |

    Hi, Gene--

    No, I don' think so.

    You could make a case for either chlorogenic acid/green coffee bean extract or the AGF Factor I to block glycation of small LDL particles, however.

  • Gene K

    6/17/2012 2:17:50 AM |

    Dr Davis,

    I think I didn't word my question clearly.

    I wonder whether it is worthwhile for APOE-4 patients to consider the AGF Factor I supplement as a replacement for statins to control smLDL while staying on a strict low-carb diet.

    Thank you.

  • Gene K

    6/19/2012 2:45:33 PM |

    Dr Davis, I take my question back. I reread your answer and now I understand that oxidation and glycation are two separate processes, and the supplement in question may help block glycation from AGEs. Oxidation of LDL particles, on the other hand, can be controlled with a low-carb diet. Is my interpretation correct?

    Thank you.

  • Dr. Davis

    6/20/2012 6:48:36 PM |

    I believe it is, Gene.

    Oxidation is a complex multi-faceted phenomenon. If we are looking for methods to inhibit or minimize oxidation that involve natural methods, not ingesting oxidized foods is a big factor. Not having particles prone to glycation, and thereby oxidation, is another.

  • Ms Martin

    7/23/2012 5:58:44 PM |

    i was just prescribed simvastatin, I believe 20mg per it safe to take green tea extract with this medicine?

  • RPF

    7/24/2012 5:46:50 PM |

    Is green coffee extract a blood thinner?

  • [...] quit taking it.  Check out this link for more information or to purchase Green Coffee Bean Extract.Green coffee bean extract seems to be a supplement that can make weight loss a lot easier.  Accordi... is coffee in its rawest, purest form, before roasting takes place. The unroasted beans of coffea [...]

  • Kay Belvin

    10/20/2012 12:37:28 AM |

    Is it safe to take green coffee extract with Simvastatin 40 Mg. and also is the extract a blood thinner as I take Warfarin?
