Gee thanks for ruining my dinner! Lol.Anyway, I came across this article from Fox News website -"Low-Carb Diet Could Raise Bad Cholesterol Levels",2933,587393,00.htmlI don't know where to begin to point out why it's misleading...Frustrating when media does that and only to cause more confusion over low carb diet, high carb diet and such.
Lou.That Fox News article has already been covered HERE.Nige.
It says:"Both groups lost around 6 kilograms (13 pounds). But the individuals on the low-carb diet actually had an average increase of 12 milligrams per deciliter increase in their LDL levels, up from 109 milligrams per deciliter (less than 100 is considered optimal); the high-carb diet group showed a 7 milligram per deciliter decrease, down from 102.""The low-carb group also showed greater increases in their levels of free fatty acids, which are released into the blood when the body breaks down stored fat. High levels of free fatty acids make it more difficult for the liver to store glucose, which in turn ups sugar levels in the blood. Consistently high sugar levels define diabetes."So I guess the low carbers started burning fat from their guts as if that is bad and also would not be able to store glucose if they were eating any. Well duh...
Dr. Davis...that picture should be placed on every bag of bread...Agreed Lou.
Hey, what's the problem? The rat is by far the most nutritious part of that loaf!
Good one.
Uh, wouldn't that raise the protein level and make it less bad?At our farm, we have a rule: eat our food, and we can eat you. We draw the line at rats and mice though.
The bread was definitely bad for the dead mouse!
I need to get my glasses checked. I thought I was looking at a chunk of black mold til reading these comments. When I took a closer look...yuck. It almost looks like a contrived photo. kevin
So I guess the low carbers started burning fat from their guts as if that is bad and also would not be able to store glucose if they were eating any.