Goiter and the Golden Medical Discovery

Thick neck, or goitre . . . consists of an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which lies over and on each side of the trachea, or windpipe, between the prominence known as "Adam's apple" and the breast bone. The tumor gradually increases in front and laterally, until it produces great deformity, and often interferes with respiration and the act of swallowing. From its pressure on the great blood vessels running to and from the head, there is a constant liability to engorgement of blood in the brain, and to apoplexy, epilepsy, etc.

The causes of the affection are not well understood. The use of snow water, or water impregnated with some particular saline or calcareous matter, has been assigned as a cause. It has also been attributed to the use of water in which there is not a trace of iron, iodine, or bromine. . . The disease is often due to an impeded circulation in the large veins of the neck, from pressure of the clothing, or from the head being bent forward, a position which is often seen in school children.


We have obtained excellent results in many cases, not too far advanced, by a method of treatment which consists in the employment of electrolysis. . . Many cases at the present time are operated upon with entire success.

Those who are afflicted with this disease and unable to avail themselves of special treatment cannot do better than to take Doctor Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery, and apply over the skin around the tumor, night and morning, the following, which may be prepared at any drug store:

Resublimed Iodine--One dram
Iodide of Potassium--Four drams
Soft Water--Three ounces 

Apply to the tumor, twice daily, with feather or camel hair pencil.

From The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce, MD; 1918.

Comments (19) -

  • kris

    5/17/2009 11:43:00 PM |

    there are hundreds of centers for research on heart, cancer, aids etc. etc. Thyroid has been over looked for some strange reason by all of the medical authorities. This is a disease which incapacitates one socially, physically, mentally and economically. this disease is a silent killer which kills the patient slowly through using other diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, cholesterol,memory loss,eczema, hypoadrenia and list goes on and on. the sad thing is that this is curable with simple and cheapest available medications and minerals. thyroid is one of the biggest overlooked, stubbornness by our medical system which is costing the governments and population billions economical and lots of grieve socially because this disease also effects one's decision making ability too. i and my family has suffered with hypothyroid conditions. we have been to many doctors but no help. every doctor failed to recognize the symptoms because of the stupid TSH test excuse. finally when i started getting heart problems problems despite the facts that i was in the gym 7 days a week and still gaining weight. i took some time off and started to educating my self through the internet and books. changed my family's doctors. now, every body in the family feels normal. no more quick temper, sleepless nights, weight gain, skin problems, cholesterol,blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, flu,hair loss, too much calcium in the blood, eczema to name a few. even my 8 year old dog is stopped shedding hair and is less scared of the thunder now after D3 and kelp. my 74 year old mother says that she never felt this way in her entire life. my university going son feels 100 times calm now. kelp, iodine, tyrosine, multi vitamins, liquid thermometer and dessicated hormones are not that expensive. my favorite doctors are Dr. david Derry (retired), Dr Star, Dr. william Davis, Dr. Lowe, Dr. Rind to name a few who have the balls and soul to say the way it is. I just want to say that thank you Dr. William and please keep it up.

  • Anna

    5/18/2009 3:27:00 AM |

    You know, now that I am "tuned into" hypothyroidism, I see people all the time that I think have a slight or even obvious goiter or enlargement of the thyroid gland, both in person and on TV.  And I don't mean fat necks, I mean a goitrous neck, often on relatively thin people (though not always).  One of the TV people that stood out to me was a reality show former model (with a really narcissistic personality) who has a clothing line.  I think her name was Kimora and her clothing line was Phat, but don't quote me -  I was watching her neck more than the show (I was channel surfing and her swollen neck caught my attention).

    On the rare occasion when I have a chance to talk about thyroid conditions with someone who has  what looks like a slight goiter to me (if we are talking about health or I mention my low thyroid condition), I don't ask outright or suggest they look like they have a goiter, but invariably they say they don't have a thyroid problem because their doctor suspected it, checked it out, and the lab says it's fine (I don't mention what I see on their neck, of course, but my tongue is black and blue later from biting back how my doctors missed my thyroid condition for so many years  Smile  ).  

    Between people reducing salt (iodized salt); eating processed soy ingredients on a regular basis (soy's a goitrogen - thyroid inhibitor);  constantly stressing (running on adrenaline, burning the candles at both ends - which skews all the other hormones); and the poor state of thyroid treatment with conventional medicine, it's not surprising to see goitrous necks commonly around town on a regular basis.

  • Anne

    5/18/2009 3:47:00 AM |

    This book can be found online at Project Gutenberg www.gutenberg.org/etext/18467

  • Materialguy

    5/19/2009 1:04:00 AM |

    Dr. Davis, Your goiter blog posting brought to mind the issue of evolution of the medical profession from "art and craft" to "science based.......".

    I can better understand a comment read long ago. It said that until about the 1930's and the advent of sulfa drugs, you stood less than a 50% chance of benefiting from a visit to the doctor's office.

    Somewhere in the past, we did pass that threshold (I hope), and I wonder what decade would you attribute that to, and what thing or things put it over the mark.

  • pooti

    5/19/2009 12:54:00 PM |

    Dr. Davis, can you comment on why you are using images of people from istockphoto to represent the faces from your TESTIMONIAL sections on the TYP website?

    Isn't that unethical? I mean, these are supposedly "real" accounts from "real" people, using the TYP program. If they are real, then why do you feel the need to use stock photo images as the pictures of them?

    You can find my links to these cases on todayiatea.blogspot.com/2009/05/dr-davis-heart-scan-blog-and-russian.html or simply go to www.todayiatea.blogspot.com and search for the May 17th post.

  • Dr. William Davis

    5/19/2009 10:50:01 PM |



    In past, when I approached people to allow us to use their photos, they would not grant permission. Most cited reluctance to let everyone know they had heart disease. Same with their names. This happened time and again. Obviously, we cannot go against their wishes for both ethical reasons and the HIPAA privacy act. In fact, posting private health information is a violation of the law which can even lead to jail time. The government means business.

    In short, we gave up trying to obtain permission to allow people to use their real names and photos. So the photos and names are fake. The stories are very real, though all--ALL--potentially identifying information has been changed. If, for instance, someone's Lp(a) is really 167 nmol/L, we might say it's something like 157 nmol/L, so that nothing can be personally tagged.

    This is just the reality of this project. Unlike weight loss testimonials in which people are thrilled to have their before and after pictures posted, such is not the case with heart disease.

    Does anyone here volunter to be the first to allow your photo and name, along with details of your health, to be posted?

  • pooti

    5/20/2009 2:12:05 AM |

    Dr. Davis I have a serious problem with this unethical behavior. You can not LEGALLY nor ETHICALLY call it a "testimonial" if you've changed every fact and nothing about the entire story is actually based on truth. The most you can call each of these examples (note they are not "testimonials") is a "recreation based on similar patient accounts" (i.e. fictional account). You would then need to follow that with your disclaimer that individual results may very dramatically among each person.

    Dr. Davis I think you do your patients a disservice. You can tell "stories" of success. But you cannot call them Testimonials. It's misleading advertising practises. In short it's called lying for gain.

    BTW, Heidi Diaz aka Kimkins did the same thing on her website and she has a class action lawsuit going against her right now. You may argue she lied about more than her testimonials and testimonial photos. However...you are doing no better. And so you have now corrupted your message as a healer.
    Not good, doctor. Whomever it was who advised you to take this path on your website should be given the boot and a big fat "your fired." It's indefensibly poor advice.


  • i.pooticus

    5/20/2009 2:30:11 AM |

    BTW, Dr. Davis? I can tell you that if I were one of your patients, and you helped me reduce my atherosclerotic plaque buildup in my arteries by 63%, I would be your best advertising. Not only would I allow you to use my story and my image to help others realize this type of incredible result, but I would be a marketers' dream child.

    In advertising and marketing - rule 101 is to convert an interested prospect into a client, and from a client into repeat client, and from a repeat client into an advocate.

    An advocate is someone who takes your success personally and will go beyond the norm in order to help ensure your success. In other words they have a personal interest in your success. So they do things like speak highly of you every place they can. They recommend you to friends. They send you members of their family. They are gold. Priceless beyond measure.

    That is a universal truth, regardless of the industry. Hell, look at Farah Fawcett and she has the most physically embarrassing problem in the world and she's out there shouting from the roof about it. So I really fail to see how your patients whom you have helped so dramatically, could possibly resist an appeal to use their true testimonial in order to help others live...

  • Anna

    5/20/2009 3:31:30 PM |


    These are interesting points that you bring up, and perhaps worthwhile exploring.  

    There are numerous reasons why someone might allow their story to be told, but not want to be personally identified on the WWW.  At the same time, he/she might be very open with family, friends, neighbors, etc., but that's at his/her discretion.  That's the way I am about some health issues, very open when it feels right, but clammed up on other occasions.  It's my choice.  

    I can't help feeling this issue is more of a molehill than a mountain...but obviously you feel differently.

  • Michael

    5/21/2009 6:02:58 AM |

    Well spotted! The clothes line is called Baby Phat.
    Follow the link below and click on the thumbnail of the front view, zoom in all the way by double clicking on the image and observe the inept Photoshopping round her neck to hide the goitre!
    Had Google this one after your description.

  • Anna

    5/22/2009 12:20:56 AM |


    Here's a photo of Kimora Lee that is probably not Photoshopped and shows the front neck swelling more noticeably (at least I hope it isn't Photoshopped, because I've never seen her on the TV show with the skinny arms that appear in the fashion shoots).


    Google Kimora Lee goiter and the search results show I'm not the only one speculating that she has a goiter...oh jeeze, I need to get a life.  I  can't believe I'm googling celebrity necks now Wink.  But I see necks like this ALL the time around town, on women of all sizes.  It's like a traffic wreck, so hard NOT to sneak a peek!

  • pooti

    5/22/2009 12:34:37 AM |

    Anna, with all due respect, it really doesn't matter so much what either of us think about it. Dr. Davis actually risks his license by making these types of claims without proper designation of them as "dramatizations" or "actors" or "advertorials". Because the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) clearly outlines the rules for the use of Consumer Testimonials and Endorsements:

    Part B is the relevent portion but they skirt dangerously close to the other rules as well:


    §255.2 Consumer endorsements.

    (a) An advertisement employing an endorsement reflecting the experience of an individual or a group of consumers on a central or key attribute of the product or service will be interpreted as representing that the endorser's experience is representative of what consumers will generally achieve with the advertised product in actual, albeit variable, conditions of use. Therefore, unless the advertiser possesses and relies upon adequate substantiation for this representation, the advertisement should either clearly and conspicuously disclose what the generally expected performance would be in the depicted circumstances or clearly and conspicuously disclose the limited applicability of the endorser's experience to what consumers may generally expect to achieve. The Commission's position regarding the acceptance of disclaimers or disclosures is described in the preamble to these Guides published in the Federal Register on January 18, 1980.

    (b) Advertisements presenting endorsements by what are represented, directly or by implication, to be ``actual consumers'' should utilize actual consumers, in both the audio and video or clearly and conspicuously disclose that the persons in such advertisements are not actual consumers of the advertised product.

    (c) Claims concerning the efficacy of any drug or device as defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 55, shall not be made in lay endorsements unless (1) the advertiser has adequate scientific substantiation for such claims and (2) the claims are not inconsistent with any determination that has been made by the Food and Drug Administration with respect to the drug or device that is the subject of the claim.

  • Michael

    5/22/2009 3:30:46 AM |

    spot on! But it's still a "goitre" for me and the rest of the world. Same as "centre" and "metre". One cannot honour Yankee spelling!

    It's a bit over-the-top to compare Dr Davis with Heidi Diaz! Can you state, hand on heart, you're not a drug company troll?? Just wondering.

  • Michael

    5/24/2009 2:08:00 AM |

    BTW, having looked up Pooti's website, he does not appear to be a drug company troll.
    While I'm on Dr Davis' side here, I think that no harm is done shining a light on the issue of before & after stories. But on balance, I think Pootie is over-reacting here. For example change 160 to 157 is not falsifying the data within the error range of the measurement. However, labelling stock photos as such would probably be a good idea.

  • bovinedefenestration

    5/31/2009 10:13:08 AM |

    I'm with everyone that thinks Pooti is overreacting. All that need to be put on the site is something along the lines of "photographs and medical details have been changed in the interest of patient privacy". Maybe even throw something in about HIPAA. It happens all thin time with things involving medical information - the stories are real, but the details have been altered a bit to protect the privacy of the people involved. I don't see anything wrong with that. I'd have to think long and hard before putting my real face, name, and medical conditions on the internet. I did it once before in a place, much to my eventual detriment.

  • Rizwan ali

    8/3/2010 12:43:05 PM |

    i am regular visitor of your site and you are writing very nice so keep posting university admission

  • kashif ali

    8/3/2010 12:56:04 PM |

    The heart scan is a rapid assessment tool for the identification of hemodynamically significant cardiac abnormalities in the ICU. Like the evaluation focused on trauma ultrasound for the concept, but directed at the center instead of the abdomen. Often called calcium scanning provides a score that can be used to determine the risk of a coronary event. Unlike an electrocardiogram (which mostly shows the results of recent heart attack) and thallium stress test (which appears only advanced blockages of 70% or more.) Is an excellent way to determine if a person has coronary artery disease.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 7:00:05 PM |

    there are hundreds of centers for research on heart, cancer, aids etc. etc. Thyroid has been over looked for some strange reason by all of the medical authorities. This is a disease which incapacitates one socially, physically, mentally and economically. this disease is a silent killer which kills the patient slowly through using other diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, cholesterol,memory loss,eczema, hypoadrenia and list goes on and on. the sad thing is that this is curable with simple and cheapest available medications and minerals. thyroid is one of the biggest overlooked, stubbornness by our medical system which is costing the governments and population billions economical and lots of grieve socially because this disease also effects one's decision making ability too.

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