Speaking availability

Just a quick announcement:

If you would like to hear more about the concepts articulated in The Heart Scan Blog or in the Track Your Plaque program, I am available to speak to your group.

Among the possible topics:

Return to the Wild: Natural Nutritional Supplements That Supercharge Health
Why this apparent "need" for fish oil and other heart-healthy supplements? I discuss why some nutritional supplements make perfect sense when we are viewed in the context of primitive humans living modern lives, while other supplements do little.

Shrink Your Tummy . . .or, Why Your Dietitian is Fat!
Weight loss doesn't have to involve calorie counting, deprivation, or hunger pangs. But the conventional "rules" for weight loss and health have to be broken.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Extraordinary Heart Health
Heart health is something that you can seize control over, something identifiable, correctable, and . . . reversible. Much of this can be achieved with little or no medication, nor procedures. I detail all the enormously empowering lessons learned through the Track Your Plaque program.

I can also present in-depth yet entertaining discussions on the power of vitamin D, natural cholesterol control, screening for heart disease, and similar topics covered in the blog.

To learn more, just e-mail us at contact@trackyourplaque, or call my office at 414-456-1123.

Comments (5) -

  • TedHutchinson

    2/3/2009 12:14:00 PM |

    For the benefit of your overseas readers is there any possibility you could produce a CD or DVD of your talks?
    I enjoyed the Jimmy Moore interviews you did and would happily pay for more.

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/3/2009 1:27:00 PM |

    Hi, Ted--

    Thanks for asking.

    We do make the talks available (though not the ones listed specifically) as webinars on the www.trackyourplaque.com with membership to the site. The webinars are included as part of membership.

    We are putting together an introductory webinar right now.

  • steve

    2/3/2009 5:44:00 PM |

    when is the update to the track your plaque book going to be available?  i assume it will contain the information you would provide in talks and cover some of the topics you just mentioned

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/3/2009 10:40:00 PM |

    Hi, Steve-

    The re-release of the revised Track Your Plaque remains up in the air, due mostly to some rather prolonged negotiations with publishers on another project.

    I'm aware that new information needs to be shared. We may need to change plans at some point, depending on how negotiations go in the next few months.

  • Lucy

    2/22/2009 2:14:00 AM |

    I appreciate the humor in your title, Doc, but you're not helping the situation but putting your fellow clinicians down.  Not all dietitians worship at the altar of the ADA/AHA or preach "low-fat" diets.

    - a skinny dietitian
